Unfortunately, Pakistan is amongst 10 most vulnerable countries badly affected by inevitable climate change and activities such as incessant deforestation and degradation of green spaces have exacerbated environmental conditions. The recent smog and heat wave episodes in major cities of Pakistan are conspicuous examples of this scourge. Karachi is surrounded with blistering and deadly heat […]
International Women’s Day observed recalling struggles of iconic women
LAHORE: Recalling the struggles, contributions and issues being faced by Pakistani women including late prime minister Benazir Bhutto, late lawyer and activist Asma Jahangir and many others, the International Women’s Day was observed on Thursday. Domestic issues faced by women were also highlighted. A number of rallies, seminars, exhibitions, walks and cake cutting ceremonies were […]
Pakistan’s hidden gem — the Astola island
Without an iota of doubt, nature has blessed Pakistan with inestimable treasures for those who are fervent to explore. No one ever denies the exquisiteness of northern areas, but few have taken much time to be unearthed. The Astola Island is one of them, which is a hidden virgin place to rejoice the magnificence of […]
Cakes, prayers and recreation mark Xmas Day in city
LAHORE: The city’s Christian community celebrated Christmas on Monday, commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ with religious fervor and devotion. The day featured special night services and prayer sermons at more than 430 churches in different areas of the city. Cake cutting ceremonies were held at churches as well as at offices of various political […]
Loose milk, banaspati to be phased out in coming years: Mengal
LAHORE: The Punjab Food Authority (PFA) generated Rs299.515 million in revenue, of which Rs104.24 was in fines, during 2017 through its e-licensing facility, the annual report of the authority reveals. As many as 3,249 food businesses were sealed and 1,745 raids conducted by the authority in 2017. The annual report released on December 20 shows […]
Civil society protests against Raza Khan’s ‘disappearance’
LAHORE: A large number of civil society and peace activists held a protest demonstration for raising voice against disappearance of activist Raza Mehmood Khan since December 2. Protesters at the Lahore Press Club demanded the state to find Raza Khan and ensure his safe return. Protest was joined by representatives of People’s Solidarity Forum, Awami […]
Civil society ‘dismayed’ at Orange Line decision
LAHORE: Civil society organisations expressed disappointment over the apex court’s decision to allow construction on the Orange Line Metro Train (OLMT) project. Talking to Daily Times, Lahore Conservation Society Secretary General Imrana Tiwana said that they respected the court’s decision. “However, we are unable to understand how the court arrived at such a decision in […]
State of our toilets
The exponential growth of the population has made ensuring effective sanitation services a daunting task for the concerned authorities. Human beings have become a largely urban species, and it is alarming that many urbanites today are born in rapidly expanding shanty towns which do not have safe private toilets or clean water. In Pakistan alone, […]
Safe toilets save lives — the state of public hygiene
The world’s population lives in urban areas. These include towns and cities which host over 54 percent of Pakistan’s population. This figure is expected to climb up to 2/3rd by 2050. The exponential growth of the population has made it a daunting task for concerned authorities to ensure effective sanitation services. Human beings have become […]
AAN Collection inspires the vision of students at LUMS
LAHORE: AAN Foundation (Amna & Ali Naqvi) in collaboration with Lahore University of Management Science (LUMS) has introduced the first long-term of art from a private collection to an institution in Pakistan; the ceremony was held at the Suleman Dawood School of Business (SDSB) of LUMS on Saturday. Under this intuitive called, “AAN Collection at […]