A hilarious video of actor-comedian Mani is going viral across social media as he offers a solution to end the economic crisis of Pakistan. The video doing rounds on social media was shared by the ‘Ye Na Thi Humari Qismat’ actor on her Instagram stories from their recent vacation. The couple, who is currently spending family time in Dubai with their kids, were on a cruise when Hira recorded her husband offering a hilarious solution up his sleeve. As the rupee continues to slide against US dollar, Mani who fell short of money during the holiday, wished the official duties of the country to be handed over to former Prime Minister Imran Khan in order to stabilise the devaluing currency. “Currency of our country has devalued much,” Mani cried in the clip and urged, “Hand over Pakistan to Imran Khan, he’ll bring down the dollar rate PKR100. There is no other person who can handle this situation.” The funny clip went viral across social media with several social users having an agreement with Mani’s solution. It is pertinent to mention that the US dollar on Monday continued to jump against the Pakistani rupee in interbank, as Pakistan continues to witness political instability amid a tussle between PDM and PTI following the election of CM Punjab. With an increase of Rs 1.87, the USD is being traded at Rs 230.24.