LAHORE: Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan said on Friday that his party has decided to expel Member of National Assembly (MNA) Dawar Kundi for going against the party. Dawar Kundi had alleged that Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) Revenue Minister Ali Amin Gandapur had protected the people who were suspected of being involved in the stripping and parading of a 16-year old girl in Dera Ismail Khan. Dawar alleged that Gandapur was linked to the family that had started the assault on the girl and asked for him to be removed from his post as KP Revenue Minister. Imran, who addressed the media through video link, called Dawar a liar and said that his allegations against Gandapur were false, citing his conversation with Inspector General (IG) who told him that there was no pressure from Gandapur. Imran further said that his party has a code of conduct and Dawar had been violating it by repeatedly speaking against the party in front of media. He added that Dawar does not even attend the party meetings.