In response to the 2017 Universal Periodic Review (UPR) the Juvenile Justice System Act 2018 (JJSA 2018) was enacted and promulgated on 18th May 2018 in Pakistan to safeguard the best interest of children in conflict with the law. The preamble of the said Act children in conflict with the law to be socially integrated. […]
Pakistan’s juvenile justice system and custodial deaths
Despite the Juvenile Justice System Act 2018 (JJSA) being in practice, minors in recent times faced discrimination, and were subjected to violence at police stations, and behind prisons across Pakistan. The recent death of a 14-year-old child aroused strong condemnation. He was found dead in the police station of West Cantt-Peshawar and as excepted, policemen […]
Mental Health and the Death Sentence
The recent decision of Pakistan’s Supreme Court provided that the execution cannot be carried out, if the condemned prisoner is suffering from mental illness. In reality, all condemned prisoners are vulnerable, however, amongst those the condemned prisoners with mental illness are the most helpless and vulnerable. It is to bear in mind that not all […]
From streets to prisons
Consortium for Street Children(CSC) in London estimates that there are about 1.5 million children on streets of Pakistan they are often subjected to violence, sexual abuse, child labour or forced into drugs. Karachi is the city of Pakistan- where it is said that 50,000 children have been connected to street many among them are involved […]
Juvenile justice system of Pakistan
Juvenile Justice System Act 2018 repealed Juvenile Justice Ordinance 2000, and prior to JJSO 2000 Pakistan had four major laws for dealing with child delinquents, i.e. Reformatory Schools Act 1897, The Punjab Borstal Act 1926, The Sindh Children Act 1955, and The Probation of Offenders Ordinance 1960. All these laws have been in place since […]
Dispensation of justice to juveniles
The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) in its report titled as ‘Juvenile Justice System in South Asia’ noted that there are three main areas where young people come in contact with the state; those areas include health, education and circumstances leading them to courts on count of conflict with law. A very few efforts had […]
The pandemic and juvenile justice
The recent outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic across the globe has not only threatened globalization that the world secured after the demise of the Soviet Union but also threatened lives of ordinary human beings and those behind bars for offences which they did not commit at first place. The pandemic of COVID-19 has threatened civil […]
Human Rights should not be undermined amidst Covid-19
In the wake of the rapidly increasing Covid-19 pandemic, governments across the world are racing to adopt schemes and patterns, aiming for adoption of new surveillance in sheer violation of international human rights. The schemes that have been adopted in some countries are tracing of mobile data location, green light tracking operation system, and other […]
From Lahore to Delhi
Akshay Thakur, Mukesh Singh, Vinay Sharma, and Pawan Gupta were hanged. They were convicted of raping and murdering Jyoti Singh, “Nirbhaya“, a 23-year old paramedics student, and brutally causing grievous bodily harm to her friend on December 2012 on a moving bus in Delhi, India. They had been on the death row since a fast […]
Why only General Musharraf?
Recently, a special court comprising of Justice Waqar Seth, Justice Shahid Karim, and Justice Nazar Akbar, which was constituted to conduct a trial, under Article 6 of the Constitution of Pakistan 1973, of Retired General Musharraf, penned down a death sentence over charges of abrogating the Constitution of Pakistan in November 2007. Out of three, […]