The International Labour Organisation (ILO)’s Convention No 182, aiming at the elimination of the worst forms of child labour, received universal ratification this summer. All 187 member states of the ILO ratified and have thereupon pledged to provide legal protection against the worst forms of child labour. This convention is not only the first convention, […]
Invigorating our enfeebled labour productivity
Labour productivity is one of the most pertinent indicators of any economy’s health. Simply put, labour productivity is measured as a country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per worker. An individual worker’s share in the GDP depends on other associated inputs too. Labour productivity is, however, still considered one of the most important elements that affect […]
Invigorating our labour productivity
Labour productivity is one of the most pertinent indicators of any economy’s health. Simply put, labour productivity is measured as a country’s per worker Gross Domestic Product (GDP). An individual worker’s share in the GDP depends on other associated inputs too, labour productivity is however yet considered as one of the most important elements that […]
Of culture and development
Culture is chiefly described as the way of life a society or a group of particular people espouse. Culture is also referred as a communal life style stemming from particular customs and traditions and that are manifested in varying forms of art. Culture hence manifests a society’s appreciation of ideas and intellectual achievements that help […]
Safety of our children
Children of lesser fate seldom have much importance in our country, and there are too many of them. Every day, many of our children suffer pain, misery and cruelty inflicted by those older than them. They are chained, kidnapped, tortured, raped and even murdered. What a place we offer our children where horrific crimes against […]
Poverty vs the poor state of mind
“It is only unfortunate to be born a poor but it is a choice to continue living in poverty.” Knowing someone upholding such a connotation as a major life-lesson derived from a long and hard fight against poverty seems truly insightful. The connotation could be disagreed based on our contemporary understanding, evolved amidst development and […]
Addressing the urban traffic mayhem
The numbers of registered vehicles have grown doubled from 1.8 million in 2006 to 3.2 million and above in recent years. This magnanimous growth is fast multiplying further and mainly due to fastest growth in number of private two, three and four wheel vehicles. Similarly, the data also shows a rapid increase in the number […]
The dilemma of private schooling
There usually is seen a myriad of criticism on public schooling for being the torchbearer of the conventional education system in our country. The quality of education dispensed within the conventional public education schools, hence, remains a permanent target of our scathing in comparison to the private schools. Many of us may find this almost […]
Safeguarding Our Workers
Provinces are currently in the process of accelerating their efforts to strengthen the labour inspection system in order to ensure fundamental rights of workers The number of workers that we lose in Pakistan because of miserable work conditions is appalling. In 2018, the Supreme Court of Pakistan issued the directive regarding safety and health in […]
A curious case of Pakistan’s export portfolio
The economic growth in Pakistan has remained historically volatile, lacking a steady growth thereby enunciating an uncertainty about the country’s economic wellbeing. The meager export portfolio remains one of the major factors that restrain Pakistan from attaining a sustainable economic growth. According to the World Bank data, exports of goods and services as percentage of […]