KARACHI: Prime Minister (PM) Imran Khan will reach the metropolis for a two-day visit on September 16, confirmed officials of Prime Minister Secretariat. Reportedly, the PM’s entourage will include Finance Minister Asad Umer, Information Minister Fawad Chaudhry, Interior State Minister Shaheryar Khan Afridi, federal ministers from Karachi, advisors and federal secretaries. Sindh Chief Minister (CM) Murad Ali Shah, Sindh Governor Imran Ismail, high officials of Sindh government, civil administration, law enforcing departments and civic bodies have already been informed regarding the visit through separate letters. According to Shehzad Arbab, an official of PM’s Secretariat, PM Khan would hold meetings with Sindh CM Murad Ali Shah and Sindh cabinet members during his visit. He further told Daily Times that high officials of Sindh government, security departments and civic bodies would also be invited at the meetings. During the meetings, relevant officials will present their respective development plans to PM Khan regarding the implementation of his government’s 100-day agenda. A reform team was previously formed by the PM especially for the purpose of tracking his 100-day agenda. Reportedly, PM Khan desired that the responsibility to lead the reform team be entrusted to his advisor on Establishment who would then be entrusted with the task of submitting accurate and timely reports to PM’s office on regular basis. According to details, members of the reform team are to contact Sindh government’s top officials and civic body representatives to develop a detailed plan covering the agreed upon milestones, departmental responsibilities and timeline for achievement of the 100 day agenda. The matters of multi tier local government system, police reform, ongoing and future infrastructure development projects, transport, environment, industry, Karachi Circular Railway, water and sewerage, power, security, education, health, cleanliness and green effect are expected to be discussed in the meeting. Besides low cost housing project, restructuring of ongoing Green Bus project and it expansion and overall other development projects will also come under discussion. The restructuring of Karachi Infrastructure Development Company (KIDC) for future development projects will also be reviewed during the meeting. It is expected that taskforce along with Karachi transformation plan under federal funding will also be taken into account. Sindh’s share in National Finance Award and Provincial Finance Award would also be extensively discussed during the meeting along with the issue of federal taxation. Suggestions for redressing bottlenecks in developing plans due to land possession by federal, Sindh government and civic bodies in the metropolis, is also on the agenda of the meeting. Published in Daily Times, September 14th 2018.