Two-time former winner Jiyai Shin leads the women’s British Open after a five-under-par third round on Saturday took the South Korean to seven-under for the tournament. Shin holds a one-shot advantage over defending champion Lilia Vu heading into Sunday’s finale with world number one Nelly Korda two back after a difficult day battling the wind and rain in St. Andrews. Champion in 2008 and 2012, Shin said she had put all her experience to good use to handle the tricky conditions and put herself in pole position for a third major. “This is my third time at St Andrews. That’s how much I’ve played it, for so long,” said Shin. “I have a lot of experience with links courses — not with this tough wind, but pretty much I have a lot of good experience. “That’s why it took all my skill today. The wind was nice to me today, and I made two bogeys today but I think everyone can make one or two bogeys.” Korda was the overnight leader and was one-under for the day through 11 holes. But her bid for a second major this year unravelled when she dropped five shots in six holes on the back nine, before picking up a much-needed birdie at the last.