Very horrendous news of committing suicide from Nadia Ashraf – a PhD student at Panjwani center for molecular medicine and research at Karachi University lately upset me. Initial reports reveal she was on purpose kept under severe stressful conditions from her PhD supervisor that was reportedly the major cause of her suicidal action besides some […]
Keeping alive the hope for change
When Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf scame into power following the 2018 general elections it had only a thin majority in the parliament. This, however, failed to dim the hopes for radical change. A change for the better was being demanded as well as promised in almost every state institution. There were complaints that the establishment had massively […]
PhD’s — quality or quantity?
PhD is basically a research oriented degree with an underlying objective to bridge the gap between academics and research in various subjects. More rationally, PhD is not merely a degree or piece of paper one needs to have a good job. Instead, what I really believe, it is mental training for patience, competence, and credibility; […]
HEC dichotomy and repercussions
University Grants Commission (UGC) was replaced by Higher Education Commission (HEC) in 2002, with a motto of reformative restructuring of university infrastructure leading to rapid progress in science and technology. HEC was an independent centralized monitoring body whose entire function was to encourage and boost research activities at government funded research centers or universities and […]
Journey of the lost ideology
Historically, it has always been controversial and debatable why the struggle for a new country was made seventy years ago while people of different religions had been living for centuries together with mutual fraternity in one big country? United India was divided into two parts in 1947, and factually three after the inception of Bangladesh […]
The art of oration
Oration is undoubtedlya powerful art.An orator’s objective is to vary perceptions about a political or social problem by using arguments, lines of reasoning, anecdotes, and illustrations to tempt the audience to believe their position. Often the rhetorical orators – both political and religious ones – appeal to the audience’s emotions, instead of employing logic to […]