Pakistani-American director Iram Parveen Bilal’s film I’ll Meet You There starring Pakistani-American actor Faran Tahir, Muhammed Qavi Khan and Nikita Tewani was banned by Pakistan’s Central Board of Film Censors a week prior to its scheduled release in cinemas.
Tahir expressed his disappointment over the matter and claimed content that encourages dialogue is being discouraged.
“For the past several weeks, I have been trying to make sense of why I’ll Meet You There, a movie we were hoping to have released in Pakistan, was banned. Our sadness stems from the fact that our only intention was to share our work with our fellow Pakistanis. Pakistan has under 250 movie theatres in total. Had the movie released in Pakistan, it would have probably opened in a handful of cinemas so it was never about making money,” the Iron Man actor captioned the post. He added that the “only hope” was to “draw attention to the issues Pakistanis face on daily basis living in foreign lands.”