After ruling the small screen and winning a best actor LSA a few weeks ago, heartthrob Bilal Abbas Khan is all set to make his mark on the big screen with the film ‘Khel Khel Mein’ opposite Sajal Aly set to release in cinemas nationwide on the 19th of November, 2021. Directed by the ace director Nabeel Qureshi and produced by Fizza Ali Mirza under the banner, Filmwala Pictures, the story depicts a youthful take on historic events. ‘Khel Khel Mein’ will be the first film releasing in cinemas post Covid 19. The multi starrer feature film also stars Javed Sheikh, Marina Khan, Manzar Sehbai, Samina Ahmed, Farhan Aly Agha, Mojiz Hassan, Zehra Nawab, and Naveed Raza. The music of the film has been done by maestros Shani Arshad, Shuja Haider and Asrar Shah. Khan can currently also be seen on television on the serial Dobara, airing every Wednesday on Hum TV. The young heartthrob rose to fame from his first play O’ Rangreza and became known for playing many unconventional roles in critically acclaimed projects including Haseeb Hasan’s made for TV film ‘Laal’, Zee 5 web series ‘Ek Jhooti Love Story’ and a number of mega hit drama serials like Balaa, Cheekh, & Pyar Ke Sadqay – which also got him is first LUX Style Award as a Best Actor.