Currently making waves in Hum TV’s blockbuster project ‘Hum Kahan Ke Sachay Thay,’ opposite Mahira and Kubra Khan, actor and director Usman Mukhtar recently announced that he is also the part of director Nadeem Baig’s mega project ‘Sinf-e-Aahan.’ The women centric project, the serial is believed to be narrating the story of five female army cadets – which is being played by Sajal Aly, Yumna Ziadi, Syra Yousuf, Kubra Khan and Ramsha Khan respectively. “So happy that female centric narratives are being given space in the industry. I am proud to support the woman of steel on this journey.” wrote Mukhtar on his social media. ‘Sinf-e-Aahan,’ penned by Umera Ahmed, is a project announced in collaboration with ISPR and it is co-produced by Humayun Saeed, Samina Humayun Saeed, Shahzad Nasib and Sana Shahnawaz ‘Sinf-e-Aahan,’ penned by Umera Ahmed, is project announced in collaboration with ISPR and it is co-produced by Humayun Saeed, Samina Humayun Saeed, Shahzad Nasib and Sana Shahnawaz. The versatile actor and director, Usman Mukhtar made his acting debut in ‘Janaan’ followed by ‘Parchi’. Since then he refocused his career with brilliant performances in ‘Aana’ and ‘Sabaat’ keeping his choice of projects selective. Usman has also dabbled behind the camera as a director and cinematographer, including his short film Bench that made it to Cannes in 2020.