Actor Aamir Khan’s son, Junaid Khan, is all set to make his acting debut with the upcoming film ‘Maharaj’. Produced by Yash Raj Entertainment, the makers on Thursday unveiled the film’s poster and a short glimpse into the world of ‘Maharaj’. Taking to Instagram, OTT platform Netflix shared the poster of the film star they captioned, “A powerful man with secrets to hide. A journalist’s fight to uncover the truth. Maharaj is coming soon only on Netflix!” The makers also unveiled a collage video of their upcoming projects, including Vaani Kapoor’s ‘Mandala Murders’, ‘Maharaj’ and Anupam Kher’s ‘Vijay 69’, that features short glimpses of the films. “Grab your popcorn- YRF and Netflix are bringing you THREE new blockbusters that are all different, but just as entertaining!! Vijay 69, Mandala Murders and Maharaj are coming soon, only on Netflix!!,” Netflix caption reads. ‘Maharaj’ also stars Jaideep Ahlawat, Sharvari and Shalini Pandey. The film has been directed by Siddharth P Malhotra, whose last film was Hichki. The film’s logline reads, Inspired by true events, ‘Maharaj’ is an incredible David vs Goliath story. Set in the 1800s, it narrates how a regular man, journalist by profession, takes on a powerful role model of society, hailed by many as a messiah for the masses. The fearless reporter wields his pen to go toe-to-toe with this spotless figure of the community in a bid to uncover a series of incidents that shake the very foundation of society. The period drama is an ode to mankind’s spirit to do good, to pursue and discover truth at any cost and to fight for humanity. It shows how one person’s will to affect positive social change can triumph over all evil and bring those in power to justice, as per the press release from the film’s PR team.