Bollywood starlet Ananya Panday made her international runway debut at the Paris Couture Week, however, was brutally trolled for her outfit, resembling a giant sieve. Bollywood star kid Ananya Panday walked the ramp for Indian designer Rahul Mishra in his debut on the ongoing Paris Haute Couture Week, on Tuesday, making her the youngest B-town actor to hit the prestigious runway at 25. However, it was her fit for the night, the black and gold sequined mini dress, paired with what was the highlight of her look, a giant sieve-like thing, having butterfly motives, which was attached to her dress, that became the subject of trolling. While she was massively applauded for getting the honour at a young age, the virtual audience of the show was least impressed with her stint, particularly her fit. The look, which was dubbed to be heavily inspired by social media celebrity and ‘Bigg Boss’ alum Uorfi Javed’s quirky ideas, was apparently the symbol of the net, used in desi households as mosquito-repellants to keep the insects away, as the whole collection ‘superheroes’ presented by Mishra was based on nature’s beauty of crickets, locusts, butterflies etc. and danger of extinction of these species. However, social users have their own opinions on the look. Reacting to her widely-circulated video on the internet, one of them wrote, “Urfi Javed lite,” while another asked, “Is she carrying a table top?” “So much struggle in carrying this net” someone joked in the context of her previous interview.