Sam Asghari has just taken fans for a loop and shared a video alongside his wife Britney Spears, seemingly in a bid to squash rumours of a rift. The video in question has been shared to Instagram and features the caption, “Hike with my woman.” It showcases the couple smiling against a sunlit ocean backdrop in the middle of their hike. Commentators and fans however, seemed unconvinced, for they began analysing the timeline of the snap, as it seemed dated. For those unversed with everything, the rumours of Spears’ alleged marital woes were first brought forward in March of 2023 and forced a statement out of Asghari’s rep Brandon Cohen from BAC Talent. At the time the statement linked the lack of a ring on his finger, to a scene where Asghari was playing a single man. In the past, he has also rushed to Spears’ defence on multiple fronts. Even following the release of the unauthorized documentary, Framing Britney Spears, he spoke to the press. At the time, he said, “I have always wanted nothing but the best for my better half, and will continue to support her following her dreams and creating the future she wants and deserves.” “I am thankful for all of the love and support she is receiving from her fans all over the world and I am looking forward to a normal, amazing future together.”