‘Udta Punjab’ hero Shahid Kapoor has kept his daughter hidden under the wraps from the media. However, he shared the picture of his adorable baby girl Misha on his Instagram, introducing daddy’s little princess to the fans. Recently, Shahid along with his beloved wife and daughter was spotted at the Mumbai airport on Monday. They were returning back home from a family trip over the weekend. Mommy Mira was holding her baby girl Misha in her arms as she laughed and waving her hands. She didn’t have any blankets wrapped around her. Rather, the baby was freely enjoying herself. Shahid was playing with the hands of his adorable little princess by reaching for them as they walked around. According to sources, as the couple along with their daughter briskly walked out of the airport, a cameraman chased them around. Shahid being the protective man held out his muscular arms to shield his two favourite ladies. He was making sure that the cameraman didn’t step closer to his wife or daughter and protected his family like a superhero. He knows how to manage both his family and career life at once. On a professional front, Shahid will resume filming for Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s ‘Padmavati’, in which Deepika Padukone will be seen in the titular role and Ranveer Singh will be playing the role of an antagonist Alauddin Khilji.