The fundamental Islamic belief regarding good and evil being from Allah, Eman e Mufassal (Complete discourse of beliefs) describes that good and evil is exclusively from Allah. That is the essential unity and pan activity, particularly assigned the religion, Islam. On the contrary, ancient Greek and Persian religions divide good and evil into two individual […]
Unlocking love
Kabir Das said, “I have learned a lot of knowledge but I could not become a scholar, on the contrary I have learned only two and a half words of the love, then I have become enlightened.” Love is a mental or spiritual activity that produces a sentimental tendency toward others. Love is the most […]
The music of the subcontinent
The greatest Muslim mystic, Jalal Uddin Rumi said, “There are many ways to the divine, but I have chosen the ways of song, dance and laughter.” On the contrary, the greatest exponent of atheism and intellectualism, a radical German philosopher and composer, Friedrich Nietzsche said, “Without music, life would be a mistake.” Music is a […]
The imperatives of mental health
The essence of humans seek is ecstasy. Ecstasy is an ultimate achievement of a human being and it is a metaphysical phenomenon. The psychological study of humans mind is the study of behavior and behavior is something beyond physics and which can not properly interpreted in medical terms, because humans behavior is not accessible through […]
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
Humans are still unrecognisable for our collective consciousness and the ultimate need of a human is still unknown. When you have achieved something, actually you have lost it, that’s why the ultimate goal of human life is still unknown. Religious leaders, philosophers and psychologists try to find the essence of human longing and they have […]
‘Annie Besant’
The glimpse of outer beauty with the illumination of inner beauty is, indeed, a supernatural phenomenon. Annie Besant was the beetle of mental elevation, the dawn of the enlightenment, the song of compassion, a milestone of humanity and philanthropy in the caliginous sky of sub-continent. She was also a free-thinking radical, a feminist, an anti-imperialist, […]
Stress management during pandemic
There is nothing beyond life; before life we were not and after life we would not have the same life and the same circumstances. Everything solely is between before and after so nothing is minimal beyond that; therefore, life is so precious so matchless and more important than our recognition. Natural disasters are an essential […]
Decoding anxiety
Being a psychologist, my friends often ask me why they feel an unspecified pain inside them. A friend of mine is a renowned singer; he saysto me that everything he wanted in life he has achieved it today, but that does not end the pain.He wonders why he is still in a vague pursuit. I […]
Ethics for social media
Poverty, ignorance and indolence are devastation for any society. The main purpose of religion is ethical grooming, but nowadays we all display very low morality even after claiming to be very religious. Ethics depend utterly on rationality; in societies where the mind and the intellect are considered to be prohibited only madness can flourish, whether […]
The essence of life
Philosophers and scientists have never been able to define time. What is time? This problem has always existed for the human mind, but what we know is that time never gets old like us. There are some people among us who live many years in a few moments, while there are some people who have […]