The Lahore High Court (LHC) Thursday dismissed a petition, challenging the PTI Chairman and former premier Imran Khan’s decision to contest by-polls in nine constituencies. Justice Shahid Jamil Khan heard the petition filed by Aman Taraqi Party Punjab President Mian Asif Mehmood. The court questioned whether the PTI chief had submitted nomination papers to the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP). The counsel for the petitioner replied that no nomination papers had been submitted yet. The court observed that the matter was still immature, adding that the matter fell under the jurisdiction of the ECP and why the petitioner had not approach the Commission. The court remarked that after submission of nomination papers, the petitioner should first approach the Election Commission. The petitioner’s counsel, after hearing the court’s remarks, sought permission to withdraw the petition.
Subsequently, the court dismissed the petition as being withdrawn. The petitioner contended that the practice of a candidate contesting elections from multiple seats needed to be addressed because of it being a case of political exploitation. He stated that the former premier had contested the general elections in 2018 on five seats and won all of them. He then vacated four seats and the ECP had to again conduct elections. Several other leaders, including Aleem Khan and Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, also contested elections from multiple seats, the petitioner maintained.
He requested the court that the respondent be directed to not contest any election of parliament before submitting his resignation to a competent authority as a member of the National Assembly and till its acceptance.
He also sought directions to relevant authorities to amend the law to regulate the eligibility criteria of the parliamentarians to contest elections.