Pakistan’s young heartthrob Ameer Gilani and Lollywood diva Marwa Hocane are still admired for their crackling chemistry in drama serial Sabaat as fans had started speculating whether the duo’s onscreen romance is real or not. Gilani, who is also a LLB graduate from Harvard University, celebrated his 26th birthday at scenic place of Margalla Hills amid pleasant cloudy weather. The Log Kia Kahengy actor also shared photos of his birthday party on Instagram and it appeared to be an intimate gathering. “Just another day, super special treatment by super special people. Surrounded by love and nature,” he captioned the post but did not reveal the names of special people. However, Marwa Hocan has shared a special birthday message on his birthday. She shared a casual picture and penned a sweet birthday note. “HAPPY BIRTHDAY YOU, you , your workout , your home & your xena.. basically sums up what you do in a day,” the Aatish-e-Ishq actress wrote on Instagram. “it’s your day, may this be your year too InshaAllah , i wish you all the happiness health & so much love,” she concluded. Following the post, fans have started asking the duo to do a project together as they love their adorable chemistry.