“West-born Islamophobia is now the deadliest form in India,” said by Noam Chomsky. Modi has left the minorities in India at the mercy of extremist Hindus. This country has now become a stronghold of extremists. “India’s delusion did not work and the UN General Assembly passed a resolution against Islamophobia and declared March 15 as the International Day for the Elimination of Islamophobia. Although it has taken almost two and a half decades for the international community to realize the growing hatred against Muslims around the world and take steps to curb it.
There is a long history of conspiracies and wars against Muslims worldwide. A study of these wars reveals that new terms were being introduced against Muslims in different eras. Something similar happened after 9/11 when the United States faced the biggest terrorism in its history. After this incident, the western media came into action and massive work was started against the Muslims. Muslims began to be introduced as “savages” and “terrorists”, “Muslim holy figures began to be insulted” and “Islamic teachings” began to be distorted. All this was done only to show the world that Muslims are terrorists and that Islam is not a religion of peace and security. When the Western media created a vicious circle of anti-Muslim sentiments around the world, the resulting mindsets were branded as Islamophobic and the fear, hatred and prejudice against Muslims was termed “Islamophobia”.
At the individual and institutional level, the honor of the holy persons of the Muslims was insulted, insulting sketches were made, and the sentiments of the Muslims were deliberately provoked. When Muslims protested, the ugly act of making insulting sketches was given an umbrella of freedom of expression. Sketches were held and prizes were awarded to those who participated in such abominable contests. Books began to be written against Muslims, films were made in which it was said that Muslims are responsible for every evil that happens in the world. Hollywood has been particularly active in this regard and Muslims have been its target. To understand this, one can read Jack Shaheen’s book “How Hollywood defames people” in which the author writes that defaming innocent people has a direct effect on ordinary people.
As a result, there were regular attacks on Muslims which increased day by day. In many countries, including India, France and Germany, measures were taken at the public level as well as at the governmental level. Sometimes Muslim women were barred from wearing hijab at the official level and sometimes people were fired from government jobs. Holy Quran being martyred in other European countries, including Sweden. The situation worsened to the point that individual Muslim families began to be targeted. In a country like Canada, there were reports of Muslim families being trampled underfoot, and there were reports of young girls wearing scarves being trampled underfoot. 60 worshipers were martyred by firing in a New Zealand mosque. These incidents gradually escalated to alarming levels.
As a result of Islamophobia, even in the regions of the world where Muslims were being persecuted collectively, voices in support of them have stopped. As Muslim massacres became commonplace in Kashmir, Palestine and other parts of the world, new killings like the Rohingya began to emerge. In such a situation, India and Israel got the same open concessions. Not only did Israel’s atrocities against the Palestinians increase exponentially, but it also began to promote officers in the Israeli army who were particularly adept at atrocities against Muslims in any respect. In addition to rewarding these officers, they were also highlighted globally so that other countries could also take part in these anti-Muslim activities. In the same way, fire and blood was being spilled in Indian-occupied Kashmir, but at the same time, anti-Muslim policy was being implemented in India.
Initially, the Muslim world was silent on this whole situation, but then a series of steps were taken to raise awareness about the harmful effects of Islamophobia and its prevention. Conferences were held at the international level, the voice of Muslims was conveyed to non-Muslims. The present government has taken special steps in this regard. Prime Minister Imran Khan, while addressing the UN General Assembly, termed the blasphemy against Holy Prophet (PBUH) as intolerable. Prime Minister Imran Khan has called on the international community to take action against Islamophobia. The movement launched by the Prime Minister against Islamophobia was not only well received in the Muslim world but also in the organization of Islamic countries. The Prime Minister also wrote a letter to Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg asking that the blasphemous content against Holy Prophet (PBUH) be removed from Facebook.
As a result, 193 countries agreed with Pakistan’s resolution and Islamophobia was recognized as a global threat. A resolution was passed in the UN General Assembly and March 15 was declared the day of anti-Islamophobia. The day was chosen to commemorate the attack on Christchurch in New Zealand on the same day in which 60 Muslims and worshipers were martyred. The international community has a special role to play in this regard so that it can be completely eradicated.