LAHORE – Faculty members of University of the Punjab have asked Chief Minister Shehbaz Sharif to stop “look after Vice Chancellor” Dr Mujahid Kamran from conveying a meeting of the PU Syndicate. The teachers, including Javed Sami, Iftikhar Tarrar, Sami Uzair, Shumaila Gull and others, told reporters here at the Lahore Press Club that the an acting vice chancellor does not have the authority to call meetings. Dr Kamran has reached the age of 65 which is the age of retirement, Uzair said, adding that the second-most senior professor should be the interim vice chancellor. The faculty members, he said, have already filed a petition in the Lahore High Court. Ealier, in the PEMRA case, the Supreme Court of Pakistan ordered that a “look after chairman” may only run day-to-day affairs not act as the regular chairman. Therefore, a “look after VC” may not act as the regular VC. Thus, all statutory bodies that he chairs are not legally in existence.