Famous Pakistani actor Sheheryar Munawar Siddiqui, on Sunday, has released the poster of his maiden short film called, Prince Charming. Taking to Instagram, the Parey Hut Love actor revealed the poster saying “sharing the poster of my first narrative (short film) as director. from penning it to calling action to working on the post, each step has been magical.” Under the directions of Sheheryar, the short film features Mahira Khan and Zahid Ahmed. He said, “huge shout out to @mahirahkhan thank you my love for believing in me and being the first person to agree to be part of this magical journey.” “Thank you @zahid.ahmed.official for being a gem to work with. big shout to my wonderful ADs, my brilliant DOP, art team, styling team, sound and music team and colour/post production team.” Moreover, he further added that the movie will soon be released on YouTube.