In life we have to make decisions every time. We make decisions may be due to personal influences or societal pressure but we make decisions. Freedom is something that cannot be defined in words. Freedom of choice, freedom of thoughts and freedom of survival allows you to feel empowered and affect your life positively. Unfortunately, there are such instances in our life when our ability to make wise decisions is eliminated temporarily. Sometimes our doors to freedom are choked by societal and domestic pressures.
Freedom of choice doesn’t mean the denial of ethical and moral boundaries, yet an estimated level of freedom is required in order to spend a balanced and stable life. Your parents, elders and teachers guides you in right way and there is no objection in this regard but for personality development and to become a responsible human being freedom of choice must exist. You can’t spend your whole life relaying on the decisions imposed or referred by others, you have to step out of your comfort zone to survive in the society and to bear the societal pressures.
Suicide rate is increasing tremendously in our country because students lack freedom of choice and liberty to execute their thoughts and believes. From home till the governmental level, we as a nation is in a dilemma and the biggest cause behind this issue is our negligence towards self-reliance and lack of confidence in our abilities to succeed. Let’s join hands to move on the road of freedom with devotion and positive attitude along with sheer determination to make our lives worth-living and to eradicate ill emotions from our life.