Bollywood actors Alia Bhatt and Sidharth Malhotra started their career on the same day with the same film, ‘Student of the Year’ directed by Karan Johar. After making their debut together, the duo started dating each other in the year 2016, and they went on to work together for the second time in ‘Kapoor & Sons’ released the same year. After dating roughly for a year, Alia and Sidharth parted ways. Now, Alia is happily in a relationship with Ranbir Kapoor from past one year. In the latest episode of Koffee With Karan 6, Sidharth came with Aditya Roy Kapur. On the controversial talk show, when KJo asked Sidharth about his breakup with Alia, the handsome actor replied, “We haven’t met after it. Our relationship is civil… I don’t think it’s bitter. It’s been a while. I have known her for much longer even before we dated. I gave my first ever shot with her in SOTY so there is so much history” Karan then asked him if it’s tough to remove the emotional dynamic they shared and go ahead professionally. To which Sidharth said, “There is a reason why two people decide not to be together. There were lots of ups and downs. When you take yourself from a situation, you look at all the happy and good memories.” Meanwhile, on the work front, Sidharth will next be seen in ‘Jabariya Jodi’ opposite Parineeti. Published in Daily Times, February 4th 2019.