The latest controversy cooking its plot on social media was the recent fun made of actor Zara Noor Abbas walking the ramp for FnkAsia at the FPW 2018, where she served as a showstopper for the brand. A while later, when pro model Areeba Habib put up a video of her colleagues Farwa and Javeria trolling Zara’s upbeat and sassy walk, the actor proceeded with an apt response, as she called the models out for pulling down a fellow female colleague in their vindictive ways. And perhaps, Zara succeeded in making her critics see the error of their ways. Areeba posted a statement of her apology to the actor on her Instagram handle last night: Areeba says, “The video shows a couple of girls – friends, colleagues – having their own fun in their own time and space, at the conclusion of a long day at work, something that all normal people are allowed to do but I accept that it should not have been done at someone else’s expense, especially publically.” “Given that the video was private, yet again, I stand by my stance: we respect all women and their craft very much. It seems like this incident has in fact been blown out of proportion by the third parties involved which is why I thought it would be best to take this chance to apologize for any inconvenience that this video may have caused to #ZaraNoorAbbas and bring all this to an end,” she added. Though we’re not completely sure why Areeba believes the video was private given she’s a celebrity with a following of more than 75,000 people, and she put up it up on her Instagram knowing it would catch the public eye, we’re glad that she took a mature decision in extending an apology out to her. Zara Noor Abbas categorically accepted the latter, commenting on Habib’s post saying the following: