The cast of upcoming comedy film ‘Parchi’ met with Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi in Islamabad at his residence. The cast met him as the movie’s promotional campaign ahead of the release. A group photo was taken during the visit. The picture showed Shahid Khaqan Abbasi, Hareem Farooq, Ali Rehman, Usman Mukhtar and Imran Raza Kazmi along with the other cast and crewmembers. ‘Parchi’ will release on January 5 in Pakistan and January 12 in USA and Canada. Farooq plays Eman, Ali Rehman Khan plays Bash and Shafqat Cheema plays Zodiac It will be the first Pakistani movie to hit cinemas next year. This movie will also be released in many other countries of the world including UK, UAE, Saudi Arabia, France and a few other countries. Parchi’s global release is an indication that movies from Pakistan are getting recognition globally, which is a positive sign for the future of Pakistan cinema. ‘Parchi’ is an upcoming 2018 Pakistani comedy caper film, which is directed by Azfar Jafri and produced by Imran Kazmi and Arif Lakhani under the IRK Films production banner. The film has Hareem Farooq, Ali Rehman Khan and Shafqat Cheema in lead roles. And has Ahmed Ali Akbar, Faiza Salim, Shafqat Khan and Usman Mukhtar in supporting roles. Shafqat Khan also wrote the film whilst Usman Mukhtar managed the cinematography role and Farooq has also produced the film. ARY Films will distribute the film on January 5, 2018. Parchi’s global release is an indication that movies from Pakistan are getting recognition world over, which is a positive sign for the future of Pakistan cinema Farooq plays Eman, Ali Rehman Khan plays Bash and Shafqat Cheema plays Zodiac. Some of the most prominent songs of the film are “Kurri nachdi kamal” sung by Nindy Kaur and Manj Musik and “Imagine”, which is sung by Mika Singh. The film’s trailer was released in early December and the film will be released across Pakistan on January 5, 2018. This movie will also be the first Pakistani movie to release in Saudi cinemas. Published in Daily Times, December 30th 2017.