Pakistani film star Resham has accused veteran Lollywood director Syed Noor of damaging her career. In her recent outing on Ahmad Ali Butt’s podcast ‘Excuse Me’, celebrated Lollywood star Resham levelled some serious allegations on seasoned director Syed Noor, claiming that he is responsible for ruining her career due to favouritism towards other female actors. “I recently heard Syed Noor remarking that I was an unfortunate actress,” Resham told Butt. “Because I ruined myself by working in low-budget productions.” However, she defended her career choices and maintained, “Prove to me which actor has only done good work. We all have ups and downs, but everyone thinks only Resham made bad films.” The ‘Jeeva’ actor confessed that Syed Noor is the only director who understood her style and she enjoyed working with him, but he started to prefer fellow actor Saima over her after he fell in love with the latter. “He stopped offering me roles because of his affection for Saima Ji,” she said. Concluding her side of the story, Resham alleged, “By God, Syed Noor damaged my career, he insulted me on set, questioning who would cast me in their films.”