As a worldwide problem, marginality must be addressed by valuing the identities of people and communities and defending the fundamental rights of those who are excluded from society. This was the main point of the remarks given on Friday at the opening ceremony of the artist’s painting show by painter Ahmer Farooq and Norwegian ambassador Per Albert Ilsaas. The Norwegian Embassy organised the exhibition, “Archipelago of the Self,” in association with Tanzara Gallery, Islamabad. The ambassador remarked, “Ahmer Farooq’s captivating work expertly navigates the multifaceted nature of the self, exploring the complex interplay between personal and societal forces.” Ambassador Ilsaas told us that marginalisation was a worldwide issue that existed even in Norway. In order to promote harmony in society, he emphasised the significance of recognising diversity and providing marginalised people and communities with an equal voice and space. The ambassador emphasised, “This exhibition is a poignant reminder that everyone deserves to be recognised, heard and valued for their unique identities, regardless of their challenges.” “It touches upon the fragmented realities of marginalised individuals,” Ilsaas said in admiration of the artwork. I didn’t find Farooq’s work instantly captivating when I first viewed it roughly two years ago and I haven’t said this to the artist previously. But it has really grown on me over time and I am now a huge fan. This exhibition is a call to action for greater inclusion and acceptance in our societies as well as a monument to the tenacity of marginalised populations. The ambassador described it as a reminder that every person deserves to be recognised for their own individuality, regardless of the difficulties they may encounter. Through the meticulous work of Ahmer Farooq, the audience was urged to embark on a voyage of investigation into the complex geography of identity by Noshi Qadir, the gallery owner and curator. She continued, saying that every brushstroke reflects the inner agony brought on by navigating a society in which one’s identity is continuously examined and assessed. “Farooq illuminates the fragmented realities experienced by marginalised individuals, providing a poignant reflection on the ongoing negotiation between public, private and concealed aspects of the Self,” Qadir stated, praising Farooq’s superb brushstrokes and delicate compositions. Viewers are encouraged to consider the idea of variety and connectivity in a broader context by looking at the artwork. The term itself alludes to people as a collection of islands, each unique yet contributing to a cohesive whole, much like the various facets of human personality or the varied components of society. The artist immerses viewers in the world of perpetual negotiation of public, private, and secret spaces that marginalised people – women, people of colour, transgender people, ethnic minorities, queer people and the impoverished – have to navigate in order to feel safe and accepted in his most recent body of work. These titles highlight the ways in which marginalised communities’ perspectives, experiences, and contributions are frequently overlooked or purposefully ignored. The picture “undisclosed” highlights the silence surrounding their truths and how they are concealed from the public eye. “Unfamiliar” refers to the feeling of otherness and alienation that these people go through since their identities, customs, and cultures are frequently seen as peculiar or unusual.