According to an Indian entertainment portal, Pakistani actor and singer Junaid Khan is all set to work on an upcoming Bollywood movie with none other than Saif Ali Khan’s son Ibrahim Ali Khan and the late Sridevi’s daughter, Khushi Kapoor. This news went viral all over social media. However, the Pakistani actor addressed the situation on his Instagram by posting a story from an Indian portal that mistakenly featured his photo. He stated that the Indian media have mistaken him for Bollywood actor Amir Khan’s son, Junaid Khan. Junaid elaborated on the rumours and clarified that although he values the chance for international partnerships, the claims connecting him to projects with Khushi Kapoor are inaccurate. Here are the exact words of the actor: “For all those asking if this is true! They must have confused me with Aamir Khan’s son! But I really truly wish that our borders were open for cross collaborations like it once was!” Junaid’s words carry significance as he highlights the essence of cross-border partnerships that were more common in the past but are now rare due to current political circumstances.