Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) on Friday arrested four individuals involved in human smuggling and illegal currency exchange hawala/hundi here from the city. According to a spokesman for the agency, under the directives of Director FIA Lahore Zone Sarfaraz Virk, a crackdown has been initiated against individuals involved in illegal currency exchange and human smuggling and under the supervision of Deputy Director Corporate Crime Circle Lahore Sikander Hayat, a raiding team conducted an operation at Hall Road and apprehended two suspects, Riaz ur Rehman and Mudasir Naeem, involved in illegal currency exchange. A total of 1,325 Chinese Yuan and Rs588,000 were recovered from the suspects and registers, receipts, and other evidence related to hawala/hundi transactions were also seized from the suspects. In a second raid, another two suspect,s Rauf Khalid and Abdul Numan, involved in human smuggling have been apprehended. The suspects were involved in extorting millions of rupees from citizens to send them abroad. Raids are underway to apprehend their accomplices.