A fanmade trailer of Alia Bhatt, Katrina Kaif and Priyanka Chopra-starrer ‘Jee Le Zaraa’, by Farhan Akhtar, is going viral on social media. Frustrated due to the delay of the all-girls road-trip movie ‘Jee Le Zaraa’, starring Bollywood A-listers Katrina Kaif, Alia Bhatt and Priyanka Chopra, fans came up with the edited trailer and fresh poster of the title. The fan-edited video on the social platform Reddit, promising a feel-good entertainer, comprised several scenes from the previous titles of Chopra, Kaif and Bhatt, including ‘Dil Dhadakne Do’, ‘Anjaana Anjaani’, ‘Kapoor & Sons’, ‘Dear Zindagi’, ‘Zindagi Na Milegi Dobaara’ and ‘Baar Baar Dekho’, while the song ‘Sau Aasmaan’ from Kaif and Sidharth Malhotra starrer, played in the background. Reacting to the viral visuals, fans believed that Akhtar missed a brilliant opportunity for the all-women-led movie. Pertinent to note that Akhtar announced his next buddy project ‘Jee Le Zaraa’, with three leading divas of the industry, back in 2021. It was later reported that the rising star kid, Ishaan Khatter was roped in to play a pivotal part. However, even after three years, there was no update on the project, reportedly being delayed due to conflicting schedules of the main actors. Produced under the banner of Excel Entertainment, of Akhtar and Ritesh Sidhwani, the story of the title is written by the duo Zoya Akhtar and Reema Kagti.