Almost 60% of total population is still living in rural areas and majority of this population is from lower middle class and depending upon public and private service sectors, small private businesses and agriculture. And rest of the population is in urban areas and also falls in lower middle class. A rapid rise in population […]
Political leadership vacuum at district level
Competent political leadership is very important for any country. It requires a focus on the long-term good of a country, above and ahead of any personal short-term gains. Good political leadership requires a combination of charisma and integrity, as well as the ability to assess a situation and make bold decisions based on what would […]
Karachi – The lifeline of Pakistan is badly clogged
The Baloch tribes from Balochistan and Makran settled a small village on the delta of Indus River near Indian Ocean back in late 1600 century. At that time it was named as Kolachi. These tribes came and settled here and started fishery business from this small village. With the passage of time in early 1700 […]
Urbanisation: expectations and realities
Town-planning and better management of existing facilities in rural areas are very important to stop internal migration. Currently, urbanisation stands as one of the biggest challenges for any country. However, with proper planning, this move can also be utilised positively. If the government provides the same facilities in small cities and rural areas as in […]
Humanity dying behind man-made cages
In 1890, the British implemented the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act of 1890 (XI of 1890) in India to provide protection to animals from human brutality Capacity building of staff, including animal health inspectors, must be ensured. Zoos can also be utilised as conservation centres for proper breeding of endangered species Cruelty to animals […]
The Cottage Industry, a neglected sector in Pakistan
Small and Medium Enterprises [SMEs] are very important for any developing economies. These enterprises do not require any huge finance to run their business and also easily can be managed by the owners. Small and medium-sized enterprises are non-subsidiary, independent firms which employ less than a given number of employees. This number varies across countries. […]
Last wicket to go
Democracy is a popular governance system all over the world. The attraction of this system is the say citizens have in forming the government. In developed nations democratic systems are very effective and transparent. Most people trust the system at the grassroots level. There are, broadly speaking, two types of democratic systems: presidential and parliamentary. […]
Cricket at Ground Zero
The recent cricket match has, once again, proved that the best contests are between arch-rivals, Pakistan and India. No matter what our internal problems, politics and weaknesses, pre-and post-match media coverage and thrill created by national and international print and electronic media has been great. More than 700,000 people applied for tickets to the cricket […]
Why we are losing credibility and exports
The latest reports say Pakistan’s exports stand at $2.1 billion and imports at $4.8 billion. An April 2019 report puts the trade deficit at $2.7 billion. Such a large deficit is clearly not a good sign for the economy. It is nearly half the amount Pakistan has recently agreed to borrow from the International Monetary […]
The lower middle-class labour force
Pakistan is an agricultural country where 60 per cent of the population lives in rural areas. A majority of them are lower-middle class people, depending upon agriculture. As much as 40 per cent of the urban population, too, consists of lower middle class. We have one of the oldest canal irrigation systems in the world. […]