Faysal Quraishi and Madiha Imam are pairing up for another drama serial under the banner of 7th Sky Productions. The duo, that is also joined by Momal Sheikh this time, turned to their Instagram on Saturday to share the first teaser of the show. “#comingsoon Only on @harpalgeotv,” captioned Faysal alongside his post on the photo-sharing app. Faysal and Madiha’s new drama comes after the success of Geo TV’s Muqaddar. For his role as a feudal lord in the serial, Faysal also bagged the best actor award nomination at LSA’21. Seasoned actor Qureshi made headlines two years ago when he was hit by a rubber bullet during the shoot of the drama Muqaddar – co-produced by Abdullah Kadwaani and Asad Qureshi. The actor received accolades for his commitment towards his work when reports emerged that he had continued shooting despite being injured on the sets. “Two bullets came out fine but something went wrong with the next two,” Quraishi had told media after the incident, adding that his tissues got damaged and he was in a lot of pain. He was hit on his back by a rubber bullet, when it was only meant to be shot at his chest, which was jacket-protected.