Apropos to a news item published in a section of press on 20th April, 2020 under caption that health authorities on Sunday quarantined an “OGDCL Exploration Rig in Fateh Jang after one of their employees tested positive for Covid-19”, it is necessary to place on record the factual position that the report about COVID-19 case on OGDCL Rig near Fateh Jang area is totally baseless and incorrect. The factual position is that none of OGDCL Rig is operating in Fateh Jang area. It is further clarified that there is one Exalo Rig working around that area and it is not operating for OGDCL. It would certainly have been prudent to check and verify the facts before publication of any news so that misleading information is not published about a listed Company, especially during these challenging times. The OGDCL management and employees fully believe that fight against this pandemic can only be conquered with collective efforts and dedication.