The hyperactive involvement of youth intensively made unrequired decisions have made the majority to develop loops amongst vast communities of all backgrounds to foster more questions regarding their career misfortune. Certainly, there are reasons, and this could majorly be blamed for the justified educational system that the government provides. With the majority fighting different battles to grow, brought up with different tactics, with different ways to achieve success when enters a more functional setup, they are trapped to be absorbed in a shorter time. This gives rise to their anger, frustration level which turns out to be their basic path to undertake some seriously made wrong decisions. This equation of right educational background to employment to a successful career is easily explainable by someone with a strong support system but for someone who took the wrong direction from the beginning has a tough path to digest. Having correctly chosen paths leads a person to achieve goals at ease but there comes a turning point here for the majority. Pakistan having mostly its population average age around 23.8 years is currently having deeper questionable remarks regarding their educational background. Either they are suffering employment depression even after having very qualified degrees or because of the influx of ongoing economic scenarios which leads them to approach unethical procedures. The government indecisive behavior towards educational setup creates a big question mark for the youth to base their career direction. The reduced educational budget allotment and by transferring Punjab government schools to shift their status to Urdu medium language is a huge barrier when these children come into a society of transformed market where the language is their first barrier. This is the first step in destroying the youth mind chip. At first, they are not taught the same when they step into a market that brings anger in them. And then due to not having the right knowledge, right language, and right mindset they are deprived off of their jobs. Now, this is a shift to their intensive decision making because it is the reason why youth is becoming aggressive and moving towards pessimistic ways of approaching unethical decisions. This a series that has a long history attached to it. Therefore, it is this generation who are committing suicide, getting into dirty business, and destroying the nation’s future because of the unjustified reforms being made without considering the pros and cons. This transformation of educational setup is extremely disappointing for this generation who is supposedly running aboard and soon more will follow because of these acts made by the current government. It is high time, the education minister Mr. Shafqat Mehmood needs to revise their policies regarding the education system because this youth is a hope to bring back the lost successes to Pakistan with hardship and talent. There must be a fair proportion of the right educational course and language system in all provinces of Pakistan so that justice could be made to everyone when these kids move to their professional career direction. The writer is a Master’s student at National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST), Pakistan