The Pakistani currency maintained its downturn for a seventh straight session, hitting a low of more than Rs 157 against the US dollar in the interbank market on Monday. Since the morning, it moved both ways within a range of Rs 156.50 to Rs 157.07. Latest updates showed the rupee standing at Rs 156.96, up by Rs 1.12 from Friday’s closing rate of Rs 155.84. According to reports, the mounting international payments had increased pressure on the rupee against the dollar. Moreover, the backlog of import payments accumulated over Eidul Fitr holidays and the forthcoming debt repayments had kept the rupee under immense pressure. A currency dealer said speculation within the market suggested the rupee was heading towards the International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) dictated level of Rs 160 to Rs 165. The government, however, has time and again denied that any such agreement was part of the deal reached with the IMF for a $6 billion package.