At least nine people were killed and 17 others injured in rain-related incidents in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Punjab on Thursday morning. According to details, three persons died in Tangi area of Charsadda and three in Inayat Kally of Bajaur district. Similarly, a person died in Parachinar, the headquarters of Kurram district. Over in Khanewal, at least two people were killed and 10 others injured as rain – followed by windstorm – plays havoc, uprooting signboards, electricity poles and trees. Meanwhile, Punjab Agriculture Minister Malik Nauman Ahmad Langrial on Thursday said wheat and corn crops on 35,000 acres had been destroyed during the recent spell of rains and hailstorm across the province. “An assessment will be conducted regarding the damages caused to the crops that were ready to harvest and the losses suffered by farmers,” Langrial said. Punjab Food Minister Samiullah Chaudhry visited Lahore, Kasur, Multan and Bahawalpur to assess the damages to crops. The Punjab chief minister has also summoned a cabinet meeting to discuss the damages to the fields by the rains. In Multan, a hailstorm that lasted for 15 minutes destroyed wheat, corn and vegetable fields. Farmers have demanded that the government declare the affected areas as “disaster stricken” and announce an aid package.