Pakistan’s cricketer-turned-javelin thrower Arshad Nadeem and India’s Neeraj Chopra melted hearts in Pakistan and India alike after their picture together during the ongoing Asian games in Indonesia went viral. The two athletes can be seen exchanging a warm handshake with each other after receiving their medals. Neeraj won gold, while Arshad settled for a bronze medal. Neeraj Chopra and Arshad Nadeem shake hands after winning medals The Pakistani star was full of praise for his Indian counterpart, saying that he would one day want to be like Chopra, but the Indian gold-medalist does not ‘reply’. “Neeraj bhai does not reply on WhatsApp. I greatly admire his throwing technique, and would love to learn a few things, but he does not reply after 2-3 messages,” Arshad said. Social media has also been abuzz with the sportsmanship shown by the two athletes and have lauded the two for portraying a friendly image between the two countries world-wide. Neeraj Chopra not only won a gold medal at Asian Games but also won hearts with his friendly sporting gesture towards Pakistan Arshad Nadeemwho settled for bronze in the same eventSPORT TEACHES MANY QUALITIES ,BEING HUMBLE STANDS A TOP SPORTS DONT MAKE CHARACTER :IT REVEALS IT — ashraf Khatana (@khatana_ashraf) August 28, 2018 Shareworthy! Indian champion Neeraj Chopra sharing a warm and friendly gesture with Pakistan's Arshad Nadeem during the medal ceremony of javelin throw at the #AsianGames2018 .@khatana_ashraf @arifamin16 @parawahid @bhatray @Umerwani99 — Muheet Gulzar (@GulzarMuheet) August 29, 2018