There is absolutely no doubt about the fact that BLA, TTP and terrorist entities based in Afghanistan are carrying out terrorist attacks in Pakistan at the behest of foreign forces which are desperate to sabotage CPEC and desire to foment perennial instability in the region.
These terrorist organizations have been using weapons left by USA in Afghanistan and it is regrettable to note that the Taliban government in spite of repeated reminders by Pakistan regarding her international obligations not to allow the use of its soil by the terrorists for attack against any other country, have not exhibited any interest or willingness to take action against them.
The year 2024 witnessed an exponential increase in these attacks. During the last four months three major acts of terrorism have been carried out by the militant outfits including an attack on a security post in border district of South Waziristan by TTP on 21 December in which 16 security personnel were martyred, attack on Bannu Cantt a few days ago by the same terrorist group and an unprecedented kidnapping of Jaffer express on 11 March by BLA which led to the longest stand-off between the terrorists and the Pakistani security forces.
The terrorist took lives of 26 passengers before the security forces launched the action to secure release of the passengers taken hostage by the attackers. Through a meticulously planned and executed action the security forces managed to secure the release of all the hostages without a single casualty. They deserve unqualified appreciation and gratitude of the entire nation for it.
The Security Council needs to be reminded that mere words are not going to resolve this issue.
Our foreign office and DG ISPR in a post-operation joint press conference along with Chief Minister Balochistan minced no words regarding Indian sponsorship of the attack and involvement of Afghan nationals in acts of terrorism within Pakistan and at the same time regretting that the Taliban government had provided sanctuaries to these militant organizations.
It is however encouraging that while our security forces were busy in neutralizing the terrorists, world-wide condemnation of the attack had started pouring in. The incident has also attracted the attention of the UN Security Council. In a statement issued by the Council President Christian Markus Lassen it has been said that the members of the security council condemned in the strongest terms the heinous and cowardly terrorist attack on Jaffer Express traveling from Quetta to Peshawar on 11 March and the taking of passengers as hostages.
The members expressed their deepest sympathy and condolences to the families of the victims and to the Government and the people of Pakistan, and they wished a speedy and full recovery to those who were injured. The members of the Security Council underlined the need to hold perpetrators, organizers, financiers and sponsors of these reprehensible acts of terrorism accountable and bring them to justice. They urged all States, in accordance with their obligations under international law and relevant Security Council resolutions, to cooperate actively with the Government of Pakistan in this regard.
It is indeed a very welcome statement on part of UNSC to the extent that it at least endorses bringing to justice the perpetrators, organizers, financiers and sponsors of the reprehensible act of terrorism. However, the Security Council needs to be reminded that mere words are not going to resolve this issue unless it initiates action against the states which are sponsoring terrorism. Pakistani security forces are fighting to eliminate terrorism within its own borders with unruffled commitment and have rendered unparalleled sacrifices in this regard but they cannot take a similar action against the states behind it. This can only be taken care of by the UNSC Security Council by passing resolution against those states and even warning them of collective global action against them in the form of sanctions and other necessary measures.
My considered view is that it is now the right time for a decisive action by Pakistan to unmask the sponsors of terrorism in Pakistan before the international community and seek their support to curb the outside assistance to the militant organizations for carrying out acts of terrorism. The government and security forces possess irrefutable evidence of Indian sponsorship of terrorism in Pakistan. Therefore, Pakistan must initiate a diplomatic offensive to sensitize the world community about it. As a first step all our ambassadors abroad be provided with the dossier of evidence regarding Indian involvement and advised to conduct demarches on government where they are posted. This should be followed by moving a resolution in the UNSC condemning Indian actions and also urging the Taliban government to fulfill their obligations in regards not allowing terrorist entities to use its soil for attacks on the neighbouring countries.
Simultaneously it is also imperative to enlist support of the regional countries including China and Russia which are also threatened by the burgeoning phenomenon of terrorism for engagement with the Taliban government to convince them regarding the desirability of banishing the terrorist organizations from its soil which was also in her own long-term interest.
While these diplomatic initiatives are unfurled the security forces may continue taking ruthless action against the terrorists militarily and through counter-terrorism narrative. We can take a leaf out of the Sri Lankan experience and the way it ultimately was able to quell the insurgency.
This phenomenon cannot be tackled through a dialogue and those who advocate it are either too naïve or have some sinister motives. We are already facing the consequences of leniency shown to TTP and holding a dialogue with them. Even our religion does not make any provision for a dialogue between the government and those who take up arms against the state. What we are facing is not a political issue or dispute which can be resolved through dialogue. It is a situation where enemies of Pakistan are using these militant entities as proxies to destabilize it and scuttle its economic progress.
To succeed in this mission we need an impregnable national solidarity between all the stakeholders in the security and progress of the country, more so the political parties. They need to show the same solidarity and unity that they exhibited in the aftermath of APS attack. Politicking can wait for better times.
The writer is a former diplomat and freelance columnist.