In Punjab, individuals who have not submitted e-challan will now face a crackdown, which includes denial of access to several facilities. Anyone who defaults on the e-challan – that is, fails to submit the fine with banks – will not get a learner permit, a duplicate copy of the license, a fresh license and/or other facilities provided by the Punjab traffic police. The services will not be available until the original e-challan is submitted. Lahore Chief Traffic Officer (CTO) Amara Athar says people should abide by the traffic rules and if they fail to do so they are bound to face the music. To catch and punish the violators, the authorities have integrated the systems at Punjab’s Safe City, police service centers and driving license issuing branches. This will likely make individuals more responsible before they break the rules. The act of using fake number plates or tampering them will be considered fraud, the police said.