Bollywood actress and environmentalist Dia Mirza, who has won illustrious beauty pageants and worked in hit films over the years, became the talk of town via her latest pictures on social media. Dia Mirza shared her latest clicks on her Instagram account. The actress looked drop-dead gorgeous in a dashing Western attire. The celebrity shared a piece of life advice through the post as well. She urged the people to be kind to each other. “Don’t kill with kindness. Win with kindness” The actress has a devoted fan base of 5.5 million Instagram followers. The star captivates netizens by sharing visuals of her whereabouts and professional happenings. Dia Mirza dropped jaws with dashing clicks in a black outfit. Moreover, the clicks of her in a purple top spread like wildfire on the social media application. The actress also raises awareness of ecological degradation through her posts. She earlier expressed disdain for Barbie dolls by saying plastic was harmful to the environment. On the acting front, her latest outing was in the superhit Netflix web show ‘Made in Heaven‘ Season 2. She made her Bollywood debut in cult classic ‘Rehnaa Hai Terre Dil Mein.’ She also worked in ‘Tumko Na Bhool Paayenge,’ ‘Parineeta,’ ‘Lage Raho Munna Bhai,’ ‘Shootout at Lokhandwala,’ ‘Sanju,’ ‘Thappad‘ and ‘Bheed.’