Mansha Pasha, who is married to renowned social activist and lawyer Jibran Nasir, revealed a distressing incident that occurred in DHA Karachi, claiming that “armed individuals forcefully abducted her husband.”
Pasha recounted the incident, which occurred late Thursday night while they were returning home from dinner, in a video shared on social media.
Pasha, visibly shaken, narrated, “About half an hour ago, a group of people abducted my husband Jibran Nasir, a well-known lawyer who has contributed significantly to the country.”
She explained that their car was intercepted by around 15 armed men traveling in a white double-cabin vehicle. Pasha added, “As we were returning home from dinner, a large white car blocked our path, nearly causing an accident. Approximately 15 individuals armed with pistols forcefully took my husband away.”
Pasha begged the public to stand in solidarity with her husband and pray for his safe and prompt return.
The news of Nasir’s kidnapping quickly spread, prompting numerous individuals and human rights organizations to condemn the incident.
They expressed their concern and demanded Nasir’s safe and immediate release.
The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) expressed its worry on Twitter, stating, “HRCP is deeply concerned by reports of the abduction of lawyer and activist Jibran Nasir by unknown armed persons in Karachi. We demand his immediate and safe recovery, and that those responsible for the abduction be held accountable under the law.”
“Disturbed by the news of Jibran Nasir’s abduction. Hoping that the Sindh police will assist his family in locating him immediately. Jibran has consistently spoken out against violent extremism and rioting. Praying for his safe return,” he wrote.