The most beloved on-screen couple, Yumna Ziadi and Wahaj Ali, has featured in a campaign for the leading fashion brand Maria B. The stunning couple was showcasing the wonderful ‘Pehli Nazar’ eid collection of Maria B. The photoshoot was taking place in a dreamy location. There was a wood cottage in the backdrop that was catching the eyes of audience. Yumna was looking extremely beautiful wearing a green-pistachio kurta with broad cream-colored gharara. She opted for a very natural makeup look, styled her hairs loosely with tucking a floral hairpiece into them. On the other side, Wahaj was also turning the heads in the pair of his blue kurta and white pajama. In the shoot session, the ‘Raaz-e-Ulfat’ actress was standing beside the swimming pool where the ‘Fitoor’ actor appeared with holding a pink flower into his hand. He was presenting the flower to Yumna, she took it into her hand and turned around while Wahaj held her hand and pulled her in front of him. It is pertinent to mention that the couple co-stars in Tere Bin, their most popular serial, which has become extremely blockbuster due to the couple’s amazing chemistry and romantic scenes.