Soha Ali Khan and Kunal Kemmu are currently enjoying a lovely vacation in Goa with baby Inaaya Naumi. While having quality time with her family, Soha is keeping her fans updated with the fun she is having during the trip. The caption on the reel, “Beach days are the best.” Taking it to her Instagram, she posted a reel from Goa’s beach. Kunal held his daughter Inaaya in his arms. He wore black shorts with dark sunglasses while Inaaya wore a green swimsuit with a white and green cap. And Soha opted a white shirt with denim shorts. She donned a half-messy bun. Kunal shared pictures with daughter Inaaya on his Instagram. In the photo, both of them soak up the sun. Kunal wrote, “Best day” in the caption. On the work front, Soha was last seen in a web series Hush Hush in 2022. along with Ayesha Jhulka, Juhi Chawla, Karishma Tanna, Kritika Kamra and Shahana Goswami. Kunal got featured in the third season of his web series, Abhay. Kunal will be next seen in Malang 2.