The Muslims made valuable and significant contributions to the disciplines of constitutional law, jurisprudence and law. The Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) promulgated the first ever written constitution for Medina State, which was established as a city-state. The constitution was promulgated in 622 AD or the first year of the Hijrah, migration of the Prophet (PBUH) […]
Idrisi and Copernicus, Gama and Ibn Majid
The Muslims also made remarkable advancements in geography. The march of innovations made by Muslim geographers began with their proof of the roundness of the earth. The Greeks believed that the earth was a circular object, surrounded by ocean water from all directions but the Roman State rejected this idea and later the Christian Church […]
Astronomy owes much to us
Astronomy started during the early period of the Abbasid Caliphate. It was much influenced by Sidhanta, a work in Sanskrit brought from India to Baghdad and translated into Arabic by Ibn Ibrahim al-Fazari (796 AD) and al-Khwarizmi. Pahlavi tables (zij) compiled during the Sasanid period (224-651 AD) and Greek astronomical works translated during this period […]
Mathematics and Muslims
The Islamic world made significant contributions in mathematical sciences from the 8th century onwards. Muslim mathematicians drew upon and blended together the mathematical advances of Greece and India. The Islamic prohibition on depicting the human form led to the extensive use of complex geometric patterns to decorate buildings resulting in mathematics practiced as art. The […]
Chemistry is the invention of the Muslims
As a science, Chemistry is unquestionably the invention of the Muslims. It is the science to which Muslims have made the greatest contributions and developed it to a high degree of perfection. Because of their discoveries and understanding, they were considered the authorities of this science until the end of the 17th century. Al-Jabr Ibn […]
Modern medicine owes to Muslims
The contribution of Muslims in the field of medicine was tremendous during the middle ages and the nature of the contributions, remarkable. Al-Raazi (AD 865-AD 925) was undoubtedly the greatest physician of the Islamic world and one of the greatest physicians of all time. His works were widely translated into Latin under the name, Rhazes, […]
Muslims’ contributions to scientific thinking
Islam contributed enormously to humanity through advancements in all fields of learning. In addition to original intellectual breakthroughs, Islamic scholars preserved most of the important scientific and philosophical texts of ancient Greece in Arabic translations. Within the framework of Greek knowledge, Muslims intellectuals made several important contributions that continued into the Roman Era. The translation […]
Moral impact of Islam on humanity
Islam contributed enormously to humanity through advancements in all fields of learning. The impact of Islam on human civilization can be divided into the two areas of moral and intellectual impact. A careful examination of both provides insight into the sophistication and advancement of Islamic culture. Life is important and the values of life are […]
Why Adam was given precedence over the angels?
It is important that we examine how the Muslims responded to and addressed, in their earliest period of history, the intellectual challenges of the time. According to the Quran, human life began on earth with knowledge: [Prophet], when your Lord told the angels, ‘I am putting a successor on earth,’ they said, ‘How can You […]
We have honored the sons of Adam
In early civilizations, humans as such were not considered as having inherent human rights, though some traces of the concept of natural rights existed in the Greek and Roman jurisprudence. Islam was the first religion to champion the rights of the citizens in a holistic manner. It declared that man is entitled to all social, […]