Seeking scholastic betterment in Balochistan on February 24, 2020Barbarism, violence and humiliation are highly promoted in a state where doors to education and cognizance remain unknown or beyond reach. Education is historically the only source that enhances the peaceful portrait of a developed country and reduce woes of wrongdoings. Enlightened and non-belligerent countries have always made education their first priority. There is not […]
Australia Aflame: introducing an end on January 16, 2020I wish I were an ocean and was poured on Australia‘s forest when it was burning. The indelible images of the animals arming humans to extricate them from the burns were pictures worth a thousand words. Australia holds a history of being ravaged by the worst wildfires. In December 2019, the news on which the […]
Fearsome world: only for women? on January 9, 2020On Monday, more than 1,000 students at the main public university of Bangladesh marched and vehemently inveighed against the rape of a second-year student on the campus in Dhaka, the capital. It is said that the victim after getting off a university bus on Sunday evening walking to a friend’s place was attached behind by […]