Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world,(Preamble UDHR 1948) The recent glimpses of a child rape floating on social media can be taken a warning at least by those parents who […]
Responsible Citizenry Amid COVID19
“A house divided against itself cannot stand”noted Ibrahim Lincoln and this time around, however, the house is the whole planet and the global population comprising of members of the same household. The household which is afflicted by the same perilous circumstance with no permanent resolution in the foreseeable future. March 2020 onwards WHO affirmed that […]
More challenges for gender equality
As the world lies shaken to its core after being hit with the biggest pandemic since SARS 2002-2003, the COVID 19 has forced people across the globe, into their shelters and homes with a total transformation in the lifestyles, behaviors, virtual learning and much more. It was heartening to see the appreciation and positive comments […]
COVID 19 and Volunteerism
There is an incredible value in being service for others. (Elizbeth Berg,Author) While watching a You tube video of a middle aged Chef I was just thinking how fortunate we are as a nation as in the times of disasters and catastrophes every individual is willing to contribute .I personally define volunteerism as feeling an […]
The half faith
Amidst social distancing and isolation many of the child hood memories are recalled these days , the fairytale movies and stories where a magic spell would freeze everyone on spot and then a kind hearted prince appears to break the spell. The images of deserted streets ,shopping malls air ports and all public places etc […]
Child abuse, a challenge yet to be coped
A debate took social media by storm when a resolution was passed unanimously in the National Assembly on 7th February approving of public hanging of therapists in cases of sexual abuse of a child. The division, disagreement can be seen amongst the ruling party members where some of the members are supporting the initiation of […]
Student Unions Apolitical or Depoliticized?
Pakistan is currently having atwo-third of its population under the age of 25 and is one of the most populous countries of the world. Sucha huge chunk of the population can have transformative as well as disastrous impacts if the policymaking isn’t aimed at channelizing this huge resource accordingly. A young population with ample opportunities […]
Inclusion or exclusion?
Looking at the definition of inclusion and inclusive education it is “the is education that includes everyone, with non-disabled and Disabled people (including those with “special educational needs”) learning together in mainstream schools, colleges and universities. Inclusive education is an approach which recognizes and values the diversity of all types so that the diverse learning […]
Child marriage still an unbridled social issue
“What is the use of law against child marriage? My area doesn’t have a single girls school. If she isn’t studying, of course, the best solution for me is to get her to get married as early as possible at least my burden will be over”, were the words uttered by a participant in a […]
Challenges in child rights protection
If the rape and murder conviction in a much publicised case in Kasur had raised hope for an end to child abuse cases, the recent cases of a ten-year-old in Islamabad’s Chak Shehzad area and another child in Bunair, in the holy month of Ramazan, have once again increased the feeling of helplessness. Even the […]