After the creation of Pakistan in August 1947, which was carved out of the land of British India, the laws of the erstwhile British Raj (British Rule) remained in force. In Pakistan’s legal history, there was never an intention to begin the statute book anew. The founder of Pakistan, M A Jinnah, had an agenda […]
Female, First; Male, an Afterthought (Part II)
As mentioned in Part I of this article, the teachings/injunctions of Judaism indicate that women are worth less than men and hence treated unequally/unfairly. Similar are the teachings/injunctions of the Christian Bible that contains the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible) and the New Testament. Here is what the Christian Bible says about women: “A man ought […]
Charity and Human Potentials
Approximately 13.8 billion years ago, a single point of an infinite density at a finite time began to expand itself to become a universe; forming subatomic particles, simple atoms, and then giant clouds of elements. These later coalesced via gravity to form stars, planets and galaxies as we know them today (Big Bang Theory). Hence, […]
Leadership: an Old Kingly Idea
In ancient times, kings had absolute authority over their subjects. They could lead their subordinates (generals, governors, ministers, and other subservient officers) however they liked. Some were benevolent who reigned with kindness and led sensitively and, in return, were revered by their subjects and/or admired by their subordinates. But still, many malevolent or tyrant kings […]
Female, first; male, after thought by the nature, Part I
It has time and again been proven that depending upon her genetic makeup (genotype), allowing her personal freedoms of all kinds, and opening to her the doors of opportunities, woman can do anything that man can do, while shattering the glass ceiling (and she often does it better than her male counterpart). But man, even […]
Jinnah’s Islamic agenda and new UFD motto, Part III
As indicated in Part II of this article, Jinnah, during a broadcast talk to the people of the United States on Pakistan recorded February 1948, said, “…I do not know what the ultimate shape of this constitution is going to be, but I am sure that it will be of a democratic type, embodying the […]
Jinnah’s Islamic agenda and new UFD Motto (Part-II)
As indicated in Part I of this article, Jinnah, who used the Islamic- vision based two-nation theory for creation of Pakistan and had an Islamic agenda throughout his political leadership, however, in May 1947, deviated from his two-nation theory or Islamic agenda when talking to Mountbatten, the British Viceroy who oversaw India’s independence. Also, just […]
Jinnah’s Islamic agenda and new UFD motto Part I
Unlike Israel which is a non-religious (non-theocratic) state founded on May 14, 1948 on the ancient and historical land of Judaism (and later Christianity) mainly for Nazi-persecuted Jews who migrated to Israel, Pakistan was founded (virtually carved out) by a Britain-educated lawyer and politician, M. A. Jinnah, on August 14, 1947 on the ancient-Hinduism’s/Buddhism’s land […]
Faith and Religion: An Objective Observer’s Perspective
The word, faith, which is a noun, means “confidence or trust in a person or thing”; “belief that is not based on proof”; “belief in God or in the doctrines or teachings of religion”; “belief in anything, as a code of ethics, standards of merit, etc.”; “a system of religious belief”; “the obligation of loyalty […]
God-Willing Type Promise and Its Potential Abuse
The word, promise, as a noun, indicates a serious verbal or formal written declaration that a person will or will not say, do, give, or take something; and as a verb, the word means to personally commit oneself to or not to say, do, give, or take something. An exchange of promises is internationally based […]