The World Day Against Child Labour will be observed on June 12 across the globe, including Pakistan, to raise awareness regarding the prevalence of the illegal practice of child labor. Child labour is a major problem in developing countries, due to the rising levels of poverty it is deemed acceptable that a child, some […]
After Sialkot AC, Dr Awan operates upon PPP MNA in operating theatre of Javed Chaudhry
Pakistani talk shows are known for igniting heated debates and with leaders like ours, defining the line between debates and full fledged quarrels on national television is quite difficult to do. Special Assistant to the Chief Minister of Punjab Firdous Ashiq Awan on Wednesday had a heated exchange of words on a private channel with […]
Killing of Pakistani family in Canada – social discrimination and white supremacy
The recent killing of four Pakistani-Canadian family members has triggered the debate of white supremacy and Islamophobia among social circles. Lets go back to 2016 when the 2016 US elections brought forth an unexpected result for the entire world, due to the fact that the candidate who achieved victory represented openly racist, sexist and diversionist […]
Train crash draws mourning, prayers from leaders for Ghotki train crash victims
Political leaders from across the divide have expressed their condolences and prayers for the deceased and injured of the Ghotki train accident on Monday that shook the entire country. Prime Minister Imran Khan “I am deeply saddened by the horrific accident that took place at Ghotki this morning and the death of 30 passengers as […]
Political hate speech no longer to be tolerated on Facebook
Facebook will not tolerate hate speech ethics to anyone, especially politicians. The giant social media outlet has announced on Friday the landmark policy on the much-awaited issue, even though it has yet to announce its plans regarding the former president of the United States Donald Trump’s suspended account. Social Media has given us the power […]
From the streets of Faisalabad – a story of discrimination, minorities and the state
A 14-year-old Christian girl was abducted and gang-raped in Faisalabad by people last week. The gang-rape survivor alleges she was forced to recite the Kalma and convert to Islam. At her refusal, they shaved her head and physically tortured her. This isn’t the first case that is being reported from Faisalabad regarding forced conversions. […]