For good or ill, America and China are on a collision course. The image of the unsinkable and giant ocean liner Titanic and the massive iceberg come to mind with two exceptions. The first is that either America or China could be the Titanic OR the iceberg. Second, if this collision occurs, both the ship […]
Suppose Tv And Social Media Existed In 1941
America’s Surgeon General compared Corona and Covid-19 with the attack on Pearl Harbor in terms of the magnitude of surprise sprung upon the nation. That reference caught my subconscious. In the watches of the night, a bizarre thought struck me. Suppose on Sunday, December 7th, 1941, television and social media existed in some form. How […]
A Post Corona Plan Of Action
Planning rather than the plan counts more. The process of matching aims, means and ends often has different inputs. However, any serious activity, particularly government, would be derelict without strong planning especially in crisis. Make no mistake: the U.S. along with much of the world is in crisis. So what is being done to stem […]
Let Them Eat Cake (Or Brioche)
Why is it that whenever I see President Donald Trump’s near daily televised briefings on the Corona pandemic am I often reminded of Marie Antoinette? Married to Louis XVI, King of France, when informed that many of her subjects were too poor to afford bread, Marie was (wrongly) attributed of responding “Let them eat cake […]
Corona Virus: a different Pearl Harbor
“War” has been declared against the Corona virus and its disease Covid-19. But waging war against any inanimate object is inherently risky. Consider how wars against poverty, crime, drugs and terror fared. Still, rallying the nation is essential if this viral killer is to be defeated. Recalling a certain parallel with the immediate aftermath of […]