Why the regular business leaders are bullish on the US economy on April 2, 2018Follow the volatile ups and downs of the stock market or President Trump’s Twitter feed too closely and you’re bound to think the economy is booming one minute and heading for collapse amid a global trade war the next. Thank God the men and women who run small to mid-sized businesses aren’t so obsessed. They’re […]
Wall Street’s wild swing is a test of Trump’s economic plan on February 12, 2018There are plenty of reasons for the stock market’s recent volatility: the possibility of higher inflation, global markets tanking, a sudden spike in interest rates. But if you talk to enough of the folks making the markets so volatile (sophisticated investors and traders), you’ll see another answer pop up regularly: It’s getting to be “put […]
Why consumers should fear the AT&T-Time Warner merger on December 4, 2017President Trump’s vengeance is supposedly behind one of the biggest media stories of the year: The Justice Department’s lawsuit to upend the planned merger between AT&T and Time Warner, which owns one of Trump’s most hated news organizations, CNN. And if you listen to the people at AT&T, including Chief Executive Randall Stephenson and some […]
Good and bad news about Trumps massive tax plan on April 30, 2017There’s much to like about President Trump’s tax plan, including the fact that he’s going back to his campaign promises to do something big and beautiful – not build a wall, but slash rates Ronald Reagan-style for both individuals and corporations. That will take an economy that even in its best quarters is growing well […]
Is Team Trump dropping the ball on tax cuts? on March 6, 2017First the good news: President Trump’s plan to reverse his predecessor’s economic malaise by cutting taxes and slashing red tape seems to be still on the table. Now the bad news: His timetable appears absurdly lengthy, his details pretty thin and the markets are starting to question whether the president intends to keep his campaign […]
Trumps economic picks put his free-market credentials into question on December 19, 2016Wall Street honcho Gary Cohn, the just-announced incoming director of the National Economic Council, would be a perfect choice for a top economic policy job for the new president. If, that is, Hillary Clinton was heading to the White House, not Donald Trump. Yes, the new president-elect, who explicitly campaigned on the promise to “drain […]
Trump needs to make Clinton own Obama’s economy on September 11, 2016Hillary Clinton’s polling lead over Donald Trump keeps fading, and the pundit class has almost no clue why. Talking heads point to everything from her lack of trustworthiness to even the color of her pantsuits to explain why the momentum is shifting away from her. But the real culprit can be found in the one […]